OEDA Projects

Project Summary

Status of Schooling and Employment in 13 Provinces of Afghanistan based on Socio-Economic and Demographic Survey of CSO (SDES)

Secondary Data Analysis Based on Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey (SDES) of Central Statistics Office (CSO), Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

In early 2018, GIZ’s TVET Program in Kabul Commissioned OEDA to conduct secondary data analysis particularly focusing on employment and schooling status of 13 Province by districts. SDES is a historic effort by CSO that provides a compilation of data about population disaggregated by sex, age groups, and districts, giving an unprecedented snapshot of the situation of each province at district level and its people to guide policymaking, development action and service provision.  The socio-demographic and economic survey is an on-going project of the Central Statistics Office. The socio-demographic and economic survey provides trusted variables at the national, provincial, and district levels that are essential for evidence-based decision-making, program development, and project monitoring. This survey provides information on demographic characteristics, literacy, educational level, migration, economic activity, disability, births, deaths, birth registration, and parental life status, broken down by age and gender at district levels, as well as information in relation to households and characteristics of households.

The main question that this report tried to answer is “what is the profile of each district regarding literacy, schooling, working population and employment status?” Answering these questions contributes to the TVET decision-making process through provision of an insight into different economic activities in the districts. This will also allow the GIZ team and its partners to decide on what the TVET interventions should be on the district level.

Contract # : 83299403

Donor: GIZ / TVET

Year: 2019

Status: Completed