OEDA Projects
Project Summary
Mapping Peace Education Initiatives in Afghanistan; A study of peace education activists in Afghanistan
The main objective of this study was to examine the engagement of different organizations and civil societies with peace education in Afghanistan. This study surveyed the engagement of government bodies responsible for curriculum development and teacher education, UN Agencies, NGOs and other civil society organizations with peace education and child rights in Afghanistan. The main objective of this study was to identify key players engaged in peace education efforts and describe the nature of their interventions, thereby enabling Save the Children Sweden-Norway (SCS-N) and probably the Ministry of Education to begin projection of their future programs and focus on concrete peace education initiatives in Afghanistan. In-depth interviews with peace educators and organizations were the primary source of data for this study.
The study was an attempt to enable SCS-N and the Ministry of Education to better project and plan their potential future programs, and most probably help in sufficient reflection and focus on the peace education in the next National Education Strategic Plan (NESP-II) of the Ministry of Education.
This could also be considered of importance to bring together some strands of these peace education narratives; but it must be acknowledged that the story of peace education in Afghanistan has still not been fully told. We have much more to learn from and share with each other, of both our successes and failures. Until then, chances are that we will continue to reinvent the wheel every time a peace education program is launched.
Contract # :
Donor: Save the Children Sweden-Norway, Afghanistan
Year: 2014
Status: Completed